
Root Chakra – Muladhara 1

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Price : $300

Product Description

ROOT CHAKRA – The 1st Chakra

Chakras are considered to be different focal points of energy throughout the body—there are seven total. These chakras exist within all of us and may dictate a myriad of things, including our thoughts, habits, and patterns. But let’s start at the beginning with the first chakra, the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra is also called the Money Pot.
So What is Root Chakra?
In the Hindu tradition, the root chakra, , Muladhara in Sanskrit, is the center of our emotional being. The Muladhara means “foundation” in Sanskrit and is represented by a red lotus flower with an inverted triangle.
The Muladhara helps guide and support us through life’s challenges and joys , keeping us feeling grounded and balanced. The root chakra is located at the bottom of the spine and radiates a warm, red flow of energy through the pelvic floor and into the first three vertebrae.

The root chakra is considered our centering chakra – connected to our sense of security and stability. The root chakra’s balance depends on factors that make you feel at ease in your life, primarily focusing on your basic needs. Survival needs like food, water, shelter, financial stability, and safety all contribute to the harmony of your root chakra. If your life feels unstable in these areas, your root chakra may become unbalanced.

The root chakra is also said to be influenced by our social stability and whether or not we feel secure with the people around us. This is an important piece of our identity and may reflect our own balance and how we interact with others. The release of chakra energy others see is our aura, a kind of energy field that surrounds all living things. Chakras and auras are different but metaphysical thought suggests they are interconnected.
A stable, healthy root chakra can mean we feel safe and balanced. When we feel at ease with our foundational needs, we are able to be more present and in-tune with our other chakras.

Root Chakra Problems
Root chakra problems may be triggered by current sensations of instability in our lives and are also said to be shaped by our early experiences as children. Insecurity can follow us throughout our lives and are often not easy to overcome. By understanding and working to heal your chakras, you may have greater mental clarity and balance.
When one of your chakras feels “off,” the entire system can be jeopardized as other chakras have to take on the responsibilities of the compromised chakra(s). Practicing chakra-balancing behaviors regularly is important for maintaining a healthy chakra system in adherence to spiritual traditions.Chakras can be thrown off by conflict, change, anxieties, and uncertainty.
When your root chakra becomes unbalanced, you may experience a sensation of uneasiness that can alter your presence and center.Some metaphysicians say an imbalanced root chakra can also take form as an overactive root chakra. In some, this can look like an overabundance of energy – typically aggressive or agitated outward energy. Chakra healing techniques work to balance both overactive and deficient chakras, so no matter what end of the spectrum you’re on, you may benefit from implementing healthy chakra practices with our programmes. People with imbalance root chakra have difficulty earning money too.
So how to heal the Root Chakra?
Although you can have serious issues with your chakras and the energy affecting them, we can fix them with different techniques and strategies.Root chakra healing begins with understanding the chakra system and recognizing how your body coexists with your seven chakras. By checking in with and tending to your body’s needs, you could feel improved clarity and stability through life’s constant changes.
The root chakra is said to be our first, and most primal chakra – closely related to our survival instincts and need to connect with nature.

In our programme, we guide you on :
and we also perform pranic healing to heal your chakras and balance them. Our methods are ancient secret methods from the king of kundalini who is Pambatti Siddhar who is an expert in Siddha Science and techniques to channelize the kundalini shakti.


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