Chaturavritti Tarpanam singapore

Mahaganapathi Chaturavritti Tarpanam

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Price : $444

Product Description

Mahaganapathi Chaturavritti Tarpanam 🐘
Ideal to be done on monthly Chaturthi thiti or Thurdays.
The Puja is performed by Vedic specialists familiar with the significance of the procedure, while maintaining the sanctity of the ritual. Mantras and chants befitting the ceremony are recited with deep reverence.
2 hours puja. Special Private Prayers in Client home or in our ashram by trained and initiated Sri Vidya Upasagar.
PM or WA

Prayer Contents :
1. Sri Vikneswara Poojai 🐘
2. Sri Varuna Bhagawan Sodasha Upachara Pooja
3. Pavamana Suktam
4. Pradhana Kalasa Prana Pradhista + Sodasha Upachara Pooja
5. Asthothram or Sahasranamam
6. Chaturavritti Tarpanam
7. Shanti Mantra recital
8. Prokshanam , Raksha and more….

So what is Mahaganapathi Chaturavritti Tarpanam?
Homa is a fire ritual while tarpanam is a water ritual.
Tarpaṇam is done for Mahāgaṇapati to seek His Grace for health, wealth, knowledge, happiness, liberation, etc. He also removes any possible obstacles in seeking one’s goals. For attaining one’s goals, one needs to have to strong body, pure mind and good knowledge. When all these work together perfectly, subject to one’s karmic impressions, achieving your desires into reality is guranteed. It is also said that by performing this tarpaṇam all evil effects are removed (vigṇavināyaka pāta namaste|| विग्णविनायक पात नमस्ते॥).

So how many mantras are there? 🐘
Mahāgaṇapati mūlamantra has 28 bījākṣara-s. 444 tarpaṇa-s are arrived as follows.
1. Mahāgaṇapati mūlamantra tarpaṇa-s – 12
2. Tarpaṇa-s each bījākṣara 28 x 4 times – 112
3. At the end of each bījākṣara tarpaṇa one mūlamantra tarpaṇa 28 x 4 times – 112
4. There are 26 āvaraṇa devata-s in His yantra.
Four tarpaṇa-s for each āvaraṇa devata-s 26 x 4 – 104
5. At the end of tarpaṇa-s for each āvaraṇa devata , four mūlamantra tarpaṇa-s 26 x 4 – 104
6. Total tarpaṇa-s – 444
This is one of the best puja for obstacles clearing and making doors open for opportunities and making your desires , goals and dreams into reality. This is done 1 year once only. Do not miss this spiritual upliftment prayers.

PM or WA

ஐந்து கரத்தனை யானை முகத்தனை
இந்தின் இளம்பிறை போலும் எயிற்றனை
நந்தி மகன்தனை ஞானக் கொழுத்தினைப்
புந்தியில் வைத்து அடி போற்றுகின்றேனே

கஜானனம் பூத கணாதி ஸேவிதம்
கபித்த ஜம்பூ பலஸார பக்ஷதம்
உமாஸுதம் சோக வினாச காரணம்
நமாமி விக்னேஸ்வர பாத பங்கஜம்



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