
Million $ Fire Phoenix Amulet

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Price : $108

Product Description

Million $ Fire Phoenix Amulet ( Prosperity and Longevity)
Price $108 Silver
Price $200 Gold

Origin : Kunlun mountains
Methods of blessings : Ancient Chinese shamanism and Sri Vidya Vedic rituals.
Over lord : Blessed with the energies of the Mother of the Nacre Lake 瑤池金母 from the west and Devi Bhuvaneswari.

Windfall Luck
Lottery Luck
Fighting Spirit
Never give up attitude

As a powerful spiritual totem, the phoenix is the ultimate symbol of strength and renewal. As both a fire and solar symbol, the phoenix animal guide is symbolic of the sun, which “dies” in setting each night only to be reborn in rising the next morning.The phoenix represents eternity or foreverness. It continuously goes through the cycle of transformation, death, rebirth by rising from. the ashes through the fire. One lifetime of a phoenix represents 50 times approximately the life span of a mortal human being.It is said that the Phoenix will never leave your wallet dry and bring in money and sales daily to u. When the Phoenix comes into your life, make no doubts about the powerful message it brings. It comes with a strong message of hope.The Phoenix comes to reassure you that you will rise from the ashes.It renews your strength and fortifies your fighting spirit. Quite suddenly, you’ll start seeing opportunities in places that look hopeless.


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